Sunday, May 25, 2008

Turning over a new leaf!

Well, now that we are mostly settled in BEAUTIFUL Altus, Oklahoma (it is important to think positive!!!!) I thought I had better stop making excuses and get started on this blog thing. I'm pretty sure Jeremy won't leave me alone until I do!! Actually, I have been having so much fun reading the Otis, Brown, Anderson, Draper and Gardner blogs (and others) that I've decided to turn over a new leaf and join the blogging generation.

My goal is to put some photos on here of our trip. That will be my next entry because it is already midnight and I've spend like two hours going through ALL of Jeremy's photos trying to pick out just a few to put on here. AAAGGGHHH!!! Talk about sensory overload:)

So, moving is such a pain. We didn't take too many pictures the first little while here, but the two that I did get are classic! You know, the kids look like they have been pretty much ignored for a few days. They had fun upacking boxes, playing in them, and creating new messes to be cleaned up every time we turned around.

It also seems like everyone gets sick for a few weeks or months when moving from one country to the next. Well, we are no different from everyone else. The only difference might be that daddy is such a softy that he lets his kids eat whole candy bars when they aren't feeling well. In this picture he and Janie were sitting on the floor in the kitchen hiding from me. The chocolate DEFINITELY did the job and Janie DEFINITELY has daddy wrapped around her little finger!!


MaryAnn said...

Welcome back! I feel like a stalker, I really haven't checked your blog for awhile, so I was really surprised to see that you just posted this today (well, yesterday, but you know). I'm excited to see pictures of your trip - we're hoping to get some tips for our own circuitous travel. :)

Michelle said...

I love the picture of the kids that has them sitting in a somewhat empty room. We have one of that of my siblings when we first moved to WA. We are glad to see you back on your blog!! I have google reader and it said that you had updated! It will be fun to see more pictures of your trip! Hope all is well with you guys.
Love, Michelle, Jeff, Lydia, and Claire

Unknown said...

These pictures are so cute! Thanks for the mass-email, I like your blog a lot :D

If you come to WA for a summer visit, I'll be there!! I'd love to babysit for you--your kids are sooo darn cute!

Emily Bateman